Verendrye Museum

The Verendrye Museum building is on the National Register and is housed in the American Legion Community Hall which was built as a WPA project and dedicated by Governor Berry in 1933. Exhibits include a business/medical room with a well preserved iron lung, media room with a bank safe, an original telephone operator’s station and post office boxes, a telephone booth and array of period telephones, displays of home furnishings and horse-drawn carriages and a tack room, an extensive array of local saddles and cowboy hats, buffalo hide/attire, historical trail signs, Native American artifacts, Lewis & Clark information, guns, knives, as well as photographs, sewing machines, pianos, hand-crafted items, homestead tools, period wardrobe pieces, rocks, fossils, etc. The museum also offers exhibit items relating to many of Stanley County’s most famous and colorful characters, including Scotty Philip and his world famous buffalo herds, 1902 cowboys, and many local folks who were true pioneers in opening the country west of the Missouri River for settlement. While offering a wealth of information to accompany its holdings, walking through the museum retains all the charm and excitement of discovering treasures in your grandmother’s attic.

Contact Us

Phone: (605) 223-7697
115 Deadwood Street
Fort Pierre, South Dakota 57532


Fort Pierre Depot


Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center